Distinquised Member Award
Annually Alamo Mission Chapter honors a distinquished member that has given countless hours towards Alamo Mission Chapter and is heavily involved in supporting our chapters mission in preserving Texas History

2024 Cindy Bormann serves as the 3rd Vice President of Alamo Mission Chapter donating numerous hours towards the meetings, activities and the CRT convention. For the past several years she has over seen the decorating of the carriage for the Battle of Flowers parade, served on numerous committee. Cindy is always willing to step in when an extra hand is needed.

2023 Carla Miller is the 2022-2024 District VII Representative to the DRT Board of Management and President of AMC in 2023-2025. She was the immediate past president of AMC in 2021-2023 (at the time of this award), having been President of AMC in 2019-2021,. She has also served on the AMC Board in the roles of Historian and 1st Vice President. In her role as District VII Rep over two terms she has organized and presided over four District Meetings, one of which she was responsible for organizing here in San Antonio in the fall of 2020, which had to be held virtually. In her 1st term as District Rep she chaired the groundbreaking ceremony for the RTHC while she was also president of our Chapter, and during the same time frame she chaired the National DRT Convention when it was held in San Antonio in May of 2021. She serves on the HR Committee of the National DRT and wrote a new employee policy and procedure manual for DRT. She assisted the Board of Management with the opening of the RTHC in Austin in March of 2023, and at the same time chaired the Annual Pilgrimage to the Alamo. She also chaired our Chapter’s Strategic Planning Committee in 2021-2023, and has served on multiple other committees of AMC.

2022 Martha Fleitas is a long-time member of the DRT. She serves as our 2nd Vice President in Charge of Programs. She is very connected to the academic and author community in Texas bringing speakers to our monthly luncheons, positively contributing to the facts of Texas History. On March 29, Martha completed a project that was 3 years in the making - marking the grave of Juan N. Seguin on behalf of Alamo Mission Chapter with 3 medallions -Veteran, Citizen, & Defender. Martha has also served State level as District VII representative and the Historian General.

2021 Monica Krawczynski Ashley is truly hard-working and has made and continues to make a significant contribution to Alamo Mission Chapter. She puts in hundreds of hours every year in her position on the AMC Board as Registrar. In the past 6 yrs as Registrar she has assembled and processed 115 new member applications. She maintains our chapter website, serves on several chapter committees and is active in DRT at the State level serving on the RTHC committee which is overseeing the build and completion of the new DRT headquarters.

2020 Virginia "Ginny" Kerr was selected for her tireless support of our chapter and the many chapter events. She has been involved with the organization of our Siege of Bexar luncheons, the Texas Independence Day celebration held on March 2nd, the Memorial Day Service for the Alamo Defenders held on March 6th and the Pilgrimage to the Alamo.

2019 Mary Jane Blanco was selected for this award because of the hard work and generosity she showed while serving as the 3rd Vice President (CRT Director) this past year. She pumped new vitality into the CRT Chapter and had the children involved in many activities. At the 2019 CRT Convention, Mary Jane won the award of “Grandmother of the Year,” and many of the children won various awards also.

2018 Karen McCloskey, the Chairman of the Fundraising Committee, received this award for her dedication to the Alamo Mission Chapter and for her outstanding skills in raising considerable funds for the chapter with her sales items. Karen has also designed the Fiesta medals for our chapter and raised a large sum of money from this project. We appreciate the time and energy that Karen spends in supporting our chapter.

2017: Genie Bassi has been AMC recording secretary and is currently corresponding secretary. She serves on the event
fundraising committee, the SA-300 committee, the yearbook committee, Christmas basket committee, the building fund committee, bylaws committee, house committee, strategic planning committee, and works with the chapter’s three patriotic events. Her ancestors were John Alexander Greer, Adeline Horton Greer, and Catherine Greer Dashiell. John Alexander Greer moved to Texas in 1830 and was the 2nd Lieutenant Governor of Texas. He represented San Augustine as a Senator in Congress of the Republic of Texas
1837 to 1845. He was appointed Secretary of the Treasury in 1845 by President Anson Jones and became Lieutenant Governor of Texas from 1847 to 1851. He was campaigning for Governor when he
died in 1855 and was buried in the State Cemetery in 1929.
2016: Anna Gravel was awarded the Distinguished Alamo Mission Chapter Member Award for her incredible artistic abilities in all that she does for her family, church and Alamo Mission Chapter. Anna is Chairman of the Ivy Wreath Committee, works tirelessly on the fundraising committee and even helped decorate our carriage for the Battle of Flowers carriage parade.

2015: Ronnie Retzloff was awarded the Distinguished Alamo Mission Chapter Member Award for her work as our Treasurer. Her duties included managing the Chapter records and financial matters for our membership and for our receptions, meetings, and events. If you want to know something about Alamo Mission Chapter, you ask Ronnie. It is a tremendous job and we owe her much!! This Chapter purrs as the result of her hard work.

​2015: Dr. Sharon Skrobarcek received the Yellow Rose of Texas Award signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and applied for by the AMC Board.

2014: Di-Anna Arias was awarded the Distinguished Alamo Mission Chapter Member Award for her work as our 4th Vice-President. Her duties included being in charge of the receptions for all of our meetings and events. Di-Anna distinguished herself and Alamo Mission Chapter with her special Texas recipes and lovely amenities most often absorbing much of the cost herself.

2013: Kay Day was awarded the Distinguished Alamo Mission Chapter Member Award for her work as the Chairman of the House Committee. She worked tirelessly to identify, document, and in many cases research proof of the inventory items belonging to the Alamo Mission Chapter. This was no easy job as the proof most often laid in the 107 years of minutes and scrapbooks Alamo Mission Chapter has kept. It took Kay and her committee 4 years to complete this job finishing in 2013.

2012: Barbara Wright, Mary Carmack and Nelle Still was awarded the Distinguished Alamo Mission Chapter Member Award for their work on DRT Board of Management. Barbara Wright was appointed Parliamentarian General. Mary Carmack was elected Recording Secretary General. Nelly Still was elected CRT Vice President General.

2011: Jeanie Travis was awarded the Distinguished Alamo Mission Chapter Member Award for her work organizing contributors and donors to as they say "make it happen." Some of the special projects her work ensured for the DRT were the renovation of Alamo Hall, the website for the Alamo, the renovation of the Alamo ladies restroom facilities, and the Alamo Mission Chapter bookmark project. She also organized the military community for numerous events at the Alamo.